Friday, August 21, 2015

Pukeko Summary

Summary On Pukeko

The pukeko is a territorial bird. It does not like other birds going on it’s  area of land/nest. They have a diet that consists of seeds, berries, nuts, grasses, aquatic vegetation and they also eat worms, eels, frogs and sometimes they eat small bird eggs. Pukeko breed for 12 months, July to July the next year. They can lay 4 - 10 eggs per season but sadly only 8 of them survive. They also have a lifespan of 3 - 6 years, the oldest pukeko lived up to 9 years. Their habitat is in the wetlands where you can see them on the side of the road, because of that there are only 225 left in the world!!

My Cross Country

Cross Country Term 3
Purpose: To get fit to be able to run our School Cross Country
WALT - improve our fitness

My goal is to: Improve my fitness by not stopping to many times and putting myself to a limit of how many times I stop, trying not to stop at all. Also to just finish the race.

At the moment my fitness is (fill in the chart below)

Excellent - I could run 5km tomorrow.
Average - I could run 3km but probably have to stop.
Poor at present - I would walk or need to stop and walk several times.

     ✓ =) ✓ =)

Today is…..
Today I ran a total of ………. laps.
That means I ran …...kms today.
Total amount of km ran. Running total kept.
20th July Monday

21st July Tuesday

22nd July Wednesday

27th July Monday

Tuesday Wednesday thursday

I didn’t run because of my knee.

I didn’t run because of my knee.

I didn’t run because of my knee

I didn’t run because of my knee. for 3 days.

I haven’t been running since my knee.

I achieved my goal/I didn’t achieve my goal because……

I did not achieve my goal because I had a stuffed knee and I couldn’t run!

Musical Feet

This is my persuasive picture and writing. I was advertising musical shoes for you. Hope you want to by one soon! Go to and by your new shoes today!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Homework is Silly - letter to Mr G

Mr G
Parkvale School
Howard Street

Dear Mr G,

Homework should be banned from the world!! It’s a big waste of time, waste teachers time and also it wastes money!

Firstly, homework should be banned because it is the biggest waste of time ever! Kids could be having fun in the clean fresh air they really need instead of being stuck inside! They could be inventing wonderful things that could be needed in the future. Or they could be out and about trying new things that you could never imagine!

Secondly, it’s a waste of paper, ink. Worst of all, teachers time. The teachers print a lot of sheets, (that means cutting down a lot of trees) for the kids and a the majority of them don’t bother to do it so that wastes paper and ink! The teachers could be at home with their family instead of being stuck in one place marking homework! Their head might blow up with all the marking and information they gather!

Lastly, homework wastes a lot of  money!  Homework wastes money because the teachers print loads of sheets with ink on it and then some of the kids don’t even bother to do their homework! So that wastes ink and money that the school had to pay for. Over the year, the school pays a lot of money for all the paper and ink! That money could go towards camps, trips etc;.

All the kids would agree with me that homework should be banned! It is a big waste of time, waste of paper and money! I can’t wait for your reply!

Kind Regards,
