Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Winter Poem

Winter  Poem
sunny winter day (Bavaria,
Trees are sparkling in the sunshine with their icy cold snow

The fresh new frost on the frosty stream

The sound of crackling snow and ice under my warm feet

The cold feeling growing up my sleeve   

The hot chocolate slowly drip by drip down my throat

I miss the warmth of the summer.

Haunted House!!!!!

Haunted house!!

“Well this is the only house for us so ,glug!” I say in a horrified voice “I am not scared so I’ll be the first to go in!  so goodbye” I say in a brave voice! But in the back of my mind I say “Why did i just say that!"
ghost house.jpg
As I crept inside there were 15  hallways so I took the 5th hallway. I saw that there were spiders on cobwebs hungrily looking at me and even peanut sized cockroaches slowly dying! “are you alright?” A voice echoed through the hallway,  I jumped scared out of my skin. “yes!” I finally answered back realising that it was my brother! I started to walk  like a scaredy cat again. when I got out of the hallway I screamed an echoed scream! There was a mummy hanging off the roof!! Next second the mummy jumped off the roof and chased me through this maze of hallways. While I was running I thought that taking the 5th hallway was a bad idea but never mind that, I’m being chased by a mummy!! I took the 2nd hallway thinking that this would be the way out but I was wrong, it was a dead end! Now I knew I was going to die!!! I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed back against the wall “Ahhh” I shrieked as the wall  gave away on me and I landed in a secret passage way! the secret passageway led to a secret room where I heard voices talking about some random thing that I could not quite understand. The mummy that had chased me, lifted me and brought me into the room and when I was on the table, this voice said “ the toilet needs fixing!” I cracked up laughing! 2 minutes later the room was silent. Then the ghosts showed them self with light that slowly appeared inside them! They slowly crept closer and it looked to me that the were trying the hug me! But I was wrong they were blocking my eye sight so all I could see was...
When I finally woke up I was outside and my family was there, talking loudly. They didn’t even notice that I was there because I was a ghost. I was yelling out as loud as I could, but no one heard me. I had no idea what was going on. Days were getting longer with no one to play with so, I joined the ghost family in the haunted house until, well I can’t die so for my life!

Why is Gravity Important to Earth?

   Why is Gravity Important to earth?


Have you ever wondered why gravity is so important to earth? We all take gravity for granted but you should be happy to have gravity! Here are the reasons why….  
Gravity makes blood go all over your body……….

You know how you have to have blood all over your body not just in one place? Well gravity helps your blood going down into your feet and legs! Otherwise you will have pins and needles in your legs and feet for a long time! Your heart works really hard when you stand up because gravity is pulling your blood down. This happens because gravity pulls anything down even blood that is watery.    

Gravity keeps the oxygen in place………

If we didn't have gravity we would have no oxygen because gravity keeps the oxygen in place. For example, imagine oxygen as tiny bouncing balls. Now the bouncy balls bounce off the ground and fly off into space with our oxygen. (that's with zero gravity) But if we bounced a ball it would come back up and go back down!( that’s with gravity).

Gravity is an invisible force……….

Gravity is an invisible force that pulls us down to the earth's ground. Gravity prevents us from floating into space. Imagine going on a roller coaster with zero gravity! You would float around and go upside down.

Now you know why gravity is so important so every time you jump don’t take gravity the wrong way or right now you will be space with not alot of oxygen!