This is a poster that I made with the Enviro Schools team for the food scraps bins in the school. The poster shows all of the things that can't go into the bins and what can go into the bins. The reason why the things can't go into the bin is because it is all citrus. All the food scraps go to chickens and pigs. Chickens and pigs can't eat citrus. Please follow this poster carefully.
Friday, October 16, 2015
Food Scraps For Enviro!
This is a poster that I made with the Enviro Schools team for the food scraps bins in the school. The poster shows all of the things that can't go into the bins and what can go into the bins. The reason why the things can't go into the bin is because it is all citrus. All the food scraps go to chickens and pigs. Chickens and pigs can't eat citrus. Please follow this poster carefully.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
England Try And Attempt The Haka!
Click here to see the English attempt the famous NZ Haka to put the All Blacks off. Watch the video to see their out come.
The All Blacks do the Haka to challenge the opponent. The English have made their side of the Haka! - The Hakarena. They have done this just to challenge us in the Rugby World Cup because the All Blacks are the Rugby Cup holders.
I think this is a sign of then wanting to challenge us in the Rugby World Cup. They also seem very jealous!
BRING IT ON!!!!!!!! WE SAY!!!!!!!
Rugby World Cup,
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Safety Rules for boating
These are my safety rules for boating!
Optimist yachting,
Wednesday, September 09, 2015
Blurb for Art!
This is my art piece that includes my house bird which is the Pukeko. It has Ranginui(sky), the mountain range, Tangaroa(stream) and Papatuanuku(the ground). It is based in the swamplands because the Pukeko loves to live in the swamp. The mountain range is made up of 3 different Koru. There is a stream that represents the swamp that runs through the mountain, the ground is being represented by 2 Koru.
My Art |
Friday, August 21, 2015
Pukeko Summary
Summary On Pukeko
The pukeko is a territorial bird. It does not like other birds going on it’s area of land/nest. They have a diet that consists of seeds, berries, nuts, grasses, aquatic vegetation and they also eat worms, eels, frogs and sometimes they eat small bird eggs. Pukeko breed for 12 months, July to July the next year. They can lay 4 - 10 eggs per season but sadly only 8 of them survive. They also have a lifespan of 3 - 6 years, the oldest pukeko lived up to 9 years. Their habitat is in the wetlands where you can see them on the side of the road, because of that there are only 225 left in the world!!
My Cross Country
Cross Country Term 3
Purpose: To get fit to be able to run our School Cross Country
WALT - improve our fitness
My goal is to: Improve my fitness by not stopping to many times and putting myself to a limit of how many times I stop, trying not to stop at all. Also to just finish the race.
At the moment my fitness is (fill in the chart below)
Excellent - I could run 5km tomorrow.
Average - I could run 3km but probably have to stop.
Poor at present - I would walk or need to stop and walk several times.
✓ =) ✓ =)
Today is…..
Today I ran a total of ………. laps.
That means I ran …...kms today.
Total amount of km ran. Running total kept.
20th July Monday
21st July Tuesday
22nd July Wednesday
27th July Monday
Tuesday Wednesday thursday
I didn’t run because of my knee.
I didn’t run because of my knee.
I didn’t run because of my knee
I didn’t run because of my knee. for 3 days.
I haven’t been running since my knee.
I achieved my goal/I didn’t achieve my goal because……
I did not achieve my goal because I had a stuffed knee and I couldn’t run!
Musical Feet
This is my persuasive picture and writing. I was advertising musical shoes for you. Hope you want to by one soon! Go to and by your new shoes today!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Homework is Silly - letter to Mr G
Mr G
Parkvale School
Howard Street
Dear Mr G,
Homework should be banned from the world!! It’s a big waste of time, waste teachers time and also it wastes money!
Firstly, homework should be banned because it is the biggest waste of time ever! Kids could be having fun in the clean fresh air they really need instead of being stuck inside! They could be inventing wonderful things that could be needed in the future. Or they could be out and about trying new things that you could never imagine!
Secondly, it’s a waste of paper, ink. Worst of all, teachers time. The teachers print a lot of sheets, (that means cutting down a lot of trees) for the kids and a the majority of them don’t bother to do it so that wastes paper and ink! The teachers could be at home with their family instead of being stuck in one place marking homework! Their head might blow up with all the marking and information they gather!
Lastly, homework wastes a lot of money! Homework wastes money because the teachers print loads of sheets with ink on it and then some of the kids don’t even bother to do their homework! So that wastes ink and money that the school had to pay for. Over the year, the school pays a lot of money for all the paper and ink! That money could go towards camps, trips etc;.
All the kids would agree with me that homework should be banned! It is a big waste of time, waste of paper and money! I can’t wait for your reply!
Kind Regards,
Thursday, June 04, 2015
My Emotive Poem
This is my emotive poem. I did this poem with Astella in Room 20. We did this poem about Loneliness.
Loneliness is dark blue like the night sky.
It taste like a burnt toast.
It smells like the damp and cold mornings.
It looks like the rain falling from the sky.
It sounds like somebody weeping.
It feels like being abandoned in a maze.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Reading Work For Term 2 Week 4
Term 2 Week 4
Reading work for - LA Lakers
Green means this is what I was searching up and I understand it.
Black means this is the answer.
Day one
Guided Reading
- KWL Chart - Success Criteria 1 - ask questions related to the estuary and its role
Name: Janine Date: 12 May 2015
KWL Chart
Select a topic you want to research. In the first column, write what you already know about the topic. In the second column, write what you want to know about the topic. After you have completed your research, write what you learned in the third column. What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned
What I Know
What I Want to Know
What I Learned
*That ecosystems help the earth.
*The inventions are eco friendly.
*A plant or animal's life cycle.
*What does Eco friendly mean?
* Are there more names for eco? *What are they?
*Are there any eco friendly inventions?
*What are they?
Day 2
Building Vocab
What do the following words mean? Research to find out meaning.
Pāuatahanui Inlet = A drowned river valley
sanctuary = A nature reserve like a bird sanctuary or a place of safety.
Tally = A count of scores or a mark on a tree that gives information about that tree
Margery = Is a popular nursery rhyme - See Saw Margery Daw.
sieve = A metal or plastic mesh made for draining solids from liquids.
Limpets = Is a animal that has a conical shell and a muscular foot.
Enclosed or semi-enclosed body of water =
spawning grounds = A place where fish leave their eggs.
Hermit crabs = Are crabs that are in a shell that looks like a triangle. If the shell is too big it falls off.
lugworms = A worm that lives in muddy and sandy areas. A lot of people use them for fishing bait.
Incoming tide = They are the opposite of outgoing tides. Incoming tides come in and outgoing tides go out back to the sea.
oystercatcher = A bird that feeds on chiefly and shellfish. It eats oysters (as in the name!) aswell.
Pied stilt = Is a bird that is mainly white and has a little bit of black on the wings. It has stick like legs and a really thin beck.
fell trees = Is the process of cutting down individual trees and the person cutting down the tree is called a tree feller.
subdivisions = An area of land being divided into different plots for sale or the action of being subdividing or being subdivided.
stormwater drains = Are used to drain out extra rainwater from sidewalks, parking lots and roofs.
smother = A mass of something taking over or killing someone by covering their nose and mouth.
detergents = A soap and water liquid used for cleaning dirt off of things.
sewage = Wastewater from toilets, sinks, bathtubs and more.
stabilised = Make or become unlikely to change or fail
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) = They research about the water and atmosphere
Contractors = A person in a business signing a contract and gets a special job or someone who looks after the contracts.
Choose 10 words to go into your home learning book this book. These will be your spelling words to learn for the week.
Day 3
Success Criteria 2 - identify answers about the estuary and its role to draw out ideas about ecosystems generally
Research the answers from your KWL Chart. Record answers here.
- Eco friendly means It is not harmful to the environment.
- There is 1, it is green eg; keeping your city green. Keep it clean.
- There are 7 eco friendly inventions. They are, Solar powered parking meters, staple-free stapler, water powered desk clock, environmentally safe insect repellent, portable universe charger, solar powered suction cup and solar power.
Day 4
Success Criteria 3 - summarise the causes of problems in the ecosystem.
Write your summary here of what causes problems in the ecosystem.
Day 5
Success criteria - integrate what we have learned to suggest action in relation to the ecosystem.
Record here all the possible ways you think you could fix (make better) the problem to the ecosystem
Set up an ecosystem group/club and do things like pull out all the weeds and biking everyday or taking public transport for a fortnight.
Reading Work For Term 2 Week 5
Date: 19th May
KWL Chart
In the first column, write what you already know about Water worries/issues in NZ. In the second column, write what you want to know about Water worries/issues in NZ. After you have completed your research, write what you learned in the third column. What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned
What I Know
What I Want to Know
What I Learned
Pollution is being dropped into our waterways.
Polluted water - People throw rubbish into the water.
Sewage is a problem
Toxins in our water (pollution) - Sickness can affect us, animals and birds.
Water is reused in the water cycle.
Farmers us up a lot of water to water their farms.
Why are people using a lot of water?
Why doesn’t everyone have a water storage tank?
How many filters does it take until the sewage water from your home, become clean water that you can use again?
Why does the water steam up and turn into vapour in the water cycle?
That farmers need a lot of water to water their farms and they need it for their animals.
That there are water restrictions - it depends on what the season is to how much water you can use.
Day 2 - Questions (Answers these questions using your text).
- What does the author mean when she says our problems have “only just started”?
It means that the problem hasn’t been going on for ages, it has only just started.
2. Does every drop really count? Does the author mean this literally? Why do you think that?
Yes. Because if you waste 1 drop of water than that is 1 drop we can’t drink or save a life with!
3. What big idea is the author conveying?
4. Tell me more about the way you connected our day-to-day experience of
water with the water cycle. How did this help you understand the text?
The water-cycle helps me with my day to day water use because it reuses the water I have already used so I can use it again. It helps you to understand how water is reused so we can use it again.
5. How did you use the structure of the article to identify the main ideas?
6. How did the water-cycle diagram support your understanding of the issues?
It shows you how the water-cycle works and instead of telling you (You might not understand), they show you how it works.
Day 3 - Vocab (What do the following words mean. How can these keywords help you to understand the text?)
Herbicides = It is toxic to plants and it can destroy the plant.
Pesticides = It is used to kill insects but it can also kill plants and it is harmful to animals.
E-coli = A bacteria that is found in human intestines, it causes no harm. It can be used for food poisonings and it can be harmful to old people and children.
desalination = any process that is used for taking salt out of water and making it fresh again.
vapour = Steam that water makes when it heats up. They are called water vapor.
harvesting = you can harvest a crop of something or catch or kill an animal for human purpose.
aquifers = a body of rock containing ground water.
bacteria = a form of bacterium. It can make you very sick.
queuing = you arrange in a quie for something like a meal or a drink.
Day 4
Colloquial expressions - what do the following expressions mean?
“take for granted” = We don’t think about it, we take it and we just think everyone has it. - Like money, some people take it for granted. (Especially some children)
“every drop counts” = If you waste a drop of water that is a drop of water we can’t use to save a life. - Save water save life.
“There’s no doubt” Eg; There’s no doubt about that. Theres no doubt in your mind.
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