Sea Creature.
One day as I was walking slowly along the seaweed covered rocks, ready for my dive, this rotten smell hit me like a ball that just hit me on the nose! I had to hold my breath while I moved closer to this statue like creature. A sickly feeling came into my stomach. This random creature stunk like a skunk! As I moved closer I felt sicker! As I peered over the rock that was in front of me, I almost fainted!
It’s hideous mouth opened so wide you could see it’s tonsils. They looked like stained, brown horse teeth! The ugly mouth looked like my brother when he is angry! (I would not want to fight with it!) Monster like black sunken eyes looked at me like this strange creature wanted to tear me apart! This monster had leathery, brown, scaly skin. On top of its back were three pale brown, slimy fins. The ends of the fins looked like sharp fish hooks! One of the Fins looked more like a human bone than a fin! This fishy monster was very skinny and it’s mouth was really bony, you could even see it’s lip bone. Yuck!!! It’s head looked like a skull from a dead human body. It even smelled like one!
Were the teeth strong? Probably. This weird thing it must have trouble slithering and swimming with such small disgusting fins! He probably even smells his own stink! It must not have a big diet because he is so skinny! I thought someone had hypnotized me because I thought I was in a dream or in wonderland!!! Finally he slithered off into the blue ocean back were he belonged!
That thing was so creepy! If I ever see that weird creature again I will faint or even die!!! I went towards the car and I took one last look at the wonderful ocean. Then I turned and looked where the ugly creature had sat. And I said to myself” I think it's too cold for a swim!" Actually it was fine I just did not want to have a leg or arm chomped off! At least I have proof of this ugly creature because my brother took a photo!!